Tuesday, January 16, 2018

White Collar Crime and Detective Work; were my specialties in Crimnal Justice MS degree.

"Have you ever spent an hour with a detective relating multiple details that you KNEW would solve your case?....but didn't"

"I have."
That comedian then gets a few moments of laughter, likely canned as his stick is just not that funny. Mostly on NPR IIRC.
Here is how Kimberly Colangelo et al successfully escaped justice despite a plethora of uncharged felonies at her door step...and the trap door shown above.

My mind is still fogged from flu.....this is a "cover up"

Note, the criminal justice system will see a crime as a crime but add on to that crime anything that smells of a cover-up and the criminal might possibly be in very serious trouble. Sometimes the "cover-up" is worse than THE crime.

Let me do a synopsis to be elaborated upon later when I feel better.

Psych patient from the psych ward up the street from my business finds out I am separated from the psychiatrist and decides I can bring credibility to her sorry sick life. I will skip ahead. She gets pregnant ( yes I should never have allowed her to touch me...I know that...boy do I...) I said no to marriage but I could not say yes to abortion by sticking to no to marriage. So here I sit with...
THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER at my heels. From one sociopath to another. [edit: last sentence means  that I have gone from one sociopath (Kimberly Colangelo) to another (THE WELL RERSPECTED LAWYER}

A WELL RESPECTED LAWYER WHO LIES TO THE MAGISTRATE is most definitely a sociopath or there are no sociopaths, methinks. Lied several times. Big lies. The photo above is from a series of THREE such photos.

The best way to get away with white collar crime is to set the legal system on THE MARK who holds THE assets.

That would be me.

They got several hundreds of thousand dollars of inventory by taking it in one night, after they put me in a jail cell in which I had to stay the night only because Kimberly Colangelo's best....then best friend, had taken meds so could not drive to bail me out in that county. Alysa Buchanan bailed me out the next day. Really annoyed Kimberly Colangelo because as Alysa said in criminal trial....bailing me out TOO SOON did not giver her "plan" enough time to complete. I have the transcript. (note to WELL RESPECTED LAWYER; you told the magistrate "the paper" my mother signed NEVER existed.....RIGHT?....right?....enjoy, you sick sociopath!)

The photograph above is what I took of the TRAP door. Trap door has more than one meaning. Yes it was a trap. A huge trap that almost two decades later puts me at the mercy of THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER. (note to screen play writers; FORGET IT, go away! This will never play as fiction nor will it be believable as real life.) I will however be happy to be run by the FBI and the CIA experts in discerning truth from fiction and hopefully be able to put THE WELL RESPEVTED LAWYER through same.

Sometimes I believe God may exist and if she does, she may have a plan.

Opened my business in 1981.
Until the year of my arrest choreographed by Kimberly Colangelo I NEVER have had a job applicant with a resume which included a private investigator trainee position.

Lets call the above photo number 3 in a series of 3.
It was taken after the jury freed me from the four criminals... who sat behind me  all the time in criminal court...salivating for THE GUILTY verdict which after 2 days of deliberations....was announced to the horror of the four criminals sitting behind me as NOT GUILTY.!

I was then asked by a deputy if I needed an escort to my car....
because the deputy feared I may be in danger from Kimberly Colangelo, Shadow and The Simons.
I said no.
I knew those folks will only strike from a dark ambush and it was not dark outside.

Actually many prosocial people and therapists are surprised I did nothing  at all in retaliation other than take to the keyboard which is such a comfort to me.

Photo 2 of 3 shows the trap door NOT like in photo 3 of 3.
#2 shows it leaning against the wood wall unable to go down.
Photo taken by Private detective agency I met through the employee application mentioned above.
Yes, this is literal FABRICATION of EVIDENCE. To convict me in criminal court.
Photo #1 of three was taken by my attorney. It shows the trap door VERY MUCH unable to close...yes, those photos will be posted when my mind is clear enough to find them....or hey WELL RESPECTED ATTORNEY ....maybe like the paper my mother signed , in your own words to the magistrate for YOUR OWN COVER UP,  NEVER EXISTED!!!, eh, sociopath???

What triggered the construction, literally, of evidence by Kimberly Colangelo et al?

Very simple.
My lawyer asked for a jury visitation of THE CRIME SCENE.....
Yep, Fear? definitely. Guilt?, oh yes.
NEVER from a sociopath.

Kimberly Colangelo has OCD.
Or did at the time.

Arrest was Oct 21 2001 around 3:30 PM.
At the time of my arrest there was no trap door in place, at all.

Heck, had there been I could not have been using my arms as brooms to sweep all of Shadow's possessions down the square opening to the loft which is when Shadow burst in the lower level threatening me and beginning to climb up the wood rungs nailed into the wall, to wards me threatening.

Now had there been a tap door AS IN PHOTO 3, BUT NOT AS IN 2 OR 1...i CERTAINLY COULD HAVE, AS THE LYING PROSECUTOR TOLD THE JURY IN HER closing argument......CLOSED THE TRAP DOOR AND STOOD ON IT...AVOINDING EVEN A SPECULATION THAT....I somehow instigated a fight from above...no, it was an artful job of choreography knowing how I would react when I saw Shadows stuff has suddenly returned to my building.

Has...."has"...PTSD...LIVING the moment as it was happening NOW...in my mind...damn you Colangelo and THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER!!! What possibly could I enjoy more than this keyboard and your evil, denounced with truth.

Jonathan Zell Esq....
I hope you are enjoying me doing what you can not do (you are a professional attorney) but would love to do far more efficiently than I.

Maybe more tomorrow. Photos etc.

Edit; OK... still feeling sick from Flu....best to continue on new post now. It gets more interesting now....

January 22 2018
I have come back here given more needs to be said about that which labels this post; "White Collar Crime and Detective Work; were my specialties in Criminal Justice MS degree."

White Collar Crime is insidious because it is based on TRUST.
Without establishing TRUST the white collar criminal does not get far. ESTABLISH TRUST and the world opens up to the White Collar criminal.

The problem with many detectives is that the equation of "more time investigating" and "talking to more witnesses" = "too much time for them to spend".....and that equals more poor outcomes than good outcomes for the cases.

Unfortunately I have too much time to spend on this personal case of mine and of my deceased mother...the word unfortunate just designates that had I not been harmed initially by Kimberly Colangelo and recently by THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER who seems to be trying to finish what Colangelo began, I would be doing that which my business, once very successful, required....and that which I loved.

Had I good detectives in Warren County the domino effect would have stopped by year 2 or so. Now it is almost 20 years and going further. The WELL RESPECTED LAWYER is not going to buy those 20 years cheaply....Because of Kimberly Colangelo and the then corrupt Warren County Criminal Justice System the initial loss of about 300K has passed the one million mark, some time ago. And that which my mother wanted me to have upon her death has been unduly influenced into a non survival sum of money.....additionally I was OFFERED, if I would only bend over and shut up, $10,000.

When the time comes to name names there will be 20 years plus of frustration, damages, both emotional and financial for which there is no amount of money that would induce me to repeat this horror-nightmare; especially what the WELL RESPECTED LAWYER did to the relationship with my son...naming names and telling the public is what my mother did after the Nazis. I shall follow in her footsteps if I do not get "my life" back.

Oral History of my mother 2005 and 1979



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