Thursday, January 4, 2018

Something Oppossing Counsel wishes were not true...Affects of the Holocaust on Survivors and their Children,

Something Opposing Counsel wishes were not true...Affects of the Holocaust on Survivors and their Children

The Holocaust is about 70 years in the why dredge old stuff up....especially if it harms the case of opposing counsel who would like to have the magistrate believe such stuff is irrelevant. And such is easily believed outside of psychology, sociology, psychiatry etc. in which studies have shown over time the opposite. For deep PTSD, major trauma,...the events can be like "yesterday"

Lisa Katz writes "While trauma can be transmitted across the generations, so can resilience. Resilient traits - such as adaptability, initiative, and tenacity - that enabled survivor-parents to survive the Holocaust may have been passed on to their children."
Yes, Lisa, opposing counsel is going to not like the curse my mother gave me..."TENACITY"

Lets explore rather than speculate;

Who is the author, Lisa Katz?
I don't know yet, butI  did find a link in which Lisa Katz translates;

From my studies in anthropology, psychology, criminal justice, and from my family (deceased), Lisa Katz is spot on...
But there is so much more that is very detailed....
from above link;

Do the Wounds Ever Heal?
PTSD and Holocaust Survivors
by Andy Douillard

December 5, 2005
for Prof. Marcuse's lecture course
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Holocaust

UC Santa Barbara, Fall 2005
 The horrific events that occurred in the Holocaust have created a unique situation where PTSD and symptoms associated with the disorder are felt not only by survivors but also by following generations of both survivors’ and perpetrators’ children.

The Second Generation 

Bergmann, Martin S., and Milton E. Jucovy, editors. Generations of the Holocaust. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990. (D 810 .P753 G35 1990) [Find in a library near you (external link)]
Details patients’ accounts of the Holocaust and the psychological implications of the events. Contains four sections: Background, Survivors’ Children, Persecutors’ Children, and Theoretical and Clinical Aspects. Reprint of the 1982 work of the Group for Psychoanalytic Study of the Effect of the Holocaust on the Second Generation. Includes an updated bibliography.


The photos taken by reputable witnesses in temporal order proving my innocence of Oct 2001 arrest.

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