Friday, August 31, 2018

NEW DEDICATED Patricia D. Laub Site....

NEW DEDICATED Patricia D. Laub  Site....

From today...This is last post on Laub using criminaljustice blog...but there remains very many posts about Evil in the Trust Business (actually not the last) I may like this format better.


Zell info
Do you have more info on possible malfeasance by Patricia D. Laub Esq? 
Please feel free to duplicate these posts on Laub and her firm.                        
Feel Free to call me at 513 751 1440 when I am at that number... often 1 PM to 7 PM EST

Patricia D. Laub Esq., Cognitive Behavioral Plan to eliminate ANTI_SOCIALS (Pre Criminals) like her in a 200 year Societal Treatment Plan

 Patricia D. Laub , Cognitive Behavioral Plan to eliminate  ANTI_SOCIALS (Pre Criminals) like her in a 200 year Societal Treatment Plan

Much thought had gone into this 200 year plan to decrease anti-social and criminal behavior.

Anti social behavior in the criminal justice sense is that harmful behavior that precedes CRIMINAL behavior.

In 2001 four people schemed to take my assets. A synopsis of that traumatic event is laid out here
read it carefully because this is something that would be hard to just make up as you will see. And this is exactly what laid me open to Patricia D. Laub Esq., PARTNER in Frost Brown and Todd.

In 2004 I won a defamation suit against two of the criminals that destroyed me financially, spiritually and in many other ways.

In 2005 I began an M.S. degree (Criminal Justice U.Cincinnati.)
In 2007 I wrote the required paper for the degree. It was mandated we follow a script of sorts which was frustrating but that did lead me into the essence of wanted I wanted to write about

Two hundred years after such a treatment was applied to society we would have far fewer FBT Partner Patricia D. Laubs IMO, doing things like this;

and harming Holocaust survivors like;
 Oral History of my mother, Dr Paula S. Biren, deceased June 2016, A.V. from 2005 and film from 1979   +

and now me, a second generation Holocaust survivor who trusted the well respected lawyer my mother trusted, Patricia D. Laub Esq Partner in Frost Brown Todd who put Eileen Zell and her son attorney Jonathan R. Zell of Columbus through Hell.

My mother and my son.
I am taking the photos.
Family of three destroyed by Patricia D. Laub Esq as soon as my mother passed

Oral History of my mother, Dr Paula S. Biren, deceased June 2016, A.V. from 2005 and film from 1979   +

My mother meant for my son and I to be a "family" after she passed. Listen through links above to what my mother mentions about "family" destroyed...and now Patricia D. Laub Esq finalized the destruction the Nazis could not accomplish.

Thursday, August 30, 2018 Patricia D. Laub Esq DEFENDANT! Patricia D. Laub Esq DEFENDANT!

How Patricia D. Laub Esq fleeces people

Patricia D. Laub Esq harmed my mother a Holocaust Survivor.

Oral History of my mother, Dr Paula S. Biren, deceased June 2016, A.V. from 2005 and film from 1979   +


Please feel free to duplicate these posts on Laub and her firm.                        
 Feel Free to call me at 513 751 1440 when I am at that number... often 1 PM to 7 PM EST