Saturday, December 30, 2017

" Have you ever been scammed by unethical charitable organizations? "

"Have you ever been scammed by unethical charitable organizations?"

How can this be?
It IS for the it not....or is it?

From above link.
"Generous people donate hard-earned money inadvertently to unethical charitable organizations in good faith. Once burned, this can cause people to become skeptical. Ultimately, this skepticism prevents them from donating to legitimate causes in the future.
One can feel they have lost their faith in humanity. Especially, for example, when such charities scam elderly people out of their life savings.
Sometimes charities get sucked into using professional fundraising companies. This can mean that up to 90% of your donation will go to the fundraising company, and not even the charity!
Many charities will use names that are similar to legitimate and real charities. Others become corrupted by power. So which charities should you avoid? And which legitimate charities could you donate to instead?
We have compiled a list of some of the worst, and will later give you some advice on how to not get scammed."

Charities may have special relationships with special attorneys
Where does money given to charitable organizations come from?

Money comes from you and me... when we die....this step introduces;
What is a Probate Lawyer? - FindLaw

" Proxy  Highlight
As the old saying goes, you can't take it with you when you die. But a probate lawyer can help surviving family members settle your debts and distribute your assets after you're gone, with or without a will. So what is a probate lawyer? Generally speaking, probate lawyers -- also called estate or trust lawyers -- help executors ..."

A previous post led us to here; So much TRUST goes into Trust attorneys.
So much money to trust to attorneys. I had a good acquaintance during my university days who became a lawyer until he was barred for taking advantage of clients money. So much ruined for relatively too little. I went to his funeral some years ago at St John's.

There is a book that explains my son's mother, written by Barbara Oakley PhD.
My son's mother began my journey through the academics of criminal justice..
She is what Dr. Barbara Oakley labels... "the Successful Narcissistic Malevolent Machiavellian  Sociopath". My son's mother is another very long story that had its own blog named for the school who would hire the subjects of Dr Oakley's inquiries into specific type of sociopaths. Hired as a "teacher" without certification. Dr Oakley points out that "the Successful Narcissistic Malevolent Machiavellian  Sociopath" is comfortable being a teacher, professor, and attorney, police officer, a trust attorney, someone who rises in the ranks of the military, a probate attorney, a politician from the president down to a city councilman, a judge like Judge James Heath in specific, prosecutor like Rachel Hutzel (I have had face to face discussions with both Heath and Hutzel...God has chosen to take them both away from this life, saving them from justice on earth.)

Property Crime | Proxy  Highlight
The idea that our drug policy should prioritize public health over law enforcement is such common sense that even the drug czar is comfortable saying it. Yet Warren County, OH prosecutor Rachel Hutzel has bravely attempted to refute this emerging conventional wisdom in a perfectly incoherent editorial entitled Many drug ...

In my criminal justice MS paper I am in deep opposition to deceased prosecutor Rachel Hutzel. It is posted in this blog. researching I ran into the name of Leslie Meyer who I faced in a court room. She asked me in  the court room why I was so calm....given that my son's mother, Shadow and the Simons had told her I was crazy. The officer would never have arrested me if not for Lori Simon PhD arguing at the scene, that I was deadly crazy, lethal...needed to be in jail which happened for a night and presto; about $300K of my inventory disappeared within hours. Then the best friend of my son's mother, knowing I could not be anything BUT innocent given what she knew about my son's mother and me...bailled me out...but that is for another post.

This post was supposed to be a caution about unethical (and inefficient, which is, to me, the same) charitable organizations and the trust attorneys who help funnel the money to them. I think there is much motivation to being a trust attorney and in funneling as much money as possible to charities, foundations. if a trust attorney receives awards from foundations and charities...I would think that means that such an attorney is doing a great job....FOR THE FOUNDATION !


The photos taken by reputable witnesses in temporal order proving my innocence of Oct 2001 arrest.

To be continued....

Thursday, December 28, 2017

"You and the Law: Lawyers who lie do not end well " quote from link within post.

the word "Lawyer(s)" mentioned in this post do not represent anyone other than those withing the links. Not even Jonathan Zell Esq. labeled ANY ONE LAWYER OR GROUP OF LAWYERS "LIARS"...although if one reads his couple of posts one can tell he is bracing himself NOT to do keep those words silent no matter how loud the words ring in his mind.


I have to wait to write my story so while I wait I will present the stories of others.

 "Adjunct law professor and attorney Rose Safarian has a highly effective way of getting the attention of her students at San Joaquin College of Law in Fresno. "In my professional responsibility course, I tell the truth about what happens to lawyers who do not.
"Lawyers who lie do not end well. They get in trouble with the State Bar, often losing their license, frequently winding up bankrupt, family life in shambles and sometimes going to jail," she observes."

I recommend the link above for continuing this thread of thought.

What to do when an attorney lies before a magistrate or judge.

  1. The Boundaries of Litigation Privilege | ABI Proxy  Highlight
    The defendant's inability to justify its defamatory publication by relying on either litigation or qualified privilege serves to remind attorneys of their obligation to carefully discern and ... Litigation privilege is perhaps most frequently invoked to protect statements made during the judicial proceedings by those involved in the suit.
  2. Can Lawyers Lie? - Quick and Dirty Tips Proxy  Highlight
    Nov 30, 2009 ... Get Legal Lad's take on lying lawyers. Learn whether an attorney can lie on behalf of a client, or convince the client to lie on their own behalf.
Mar 16, 2015 ... The more nuanced question is: When may the lawyer lie during negotiations and when does the law forbid that? The answer to that ... Even though the victim's lawyer had means to ascertain relevant facts, the law should not require the lawyer to verify the other lawyer's representations: We decline to ...
 Even though the victim’s lawyer had means to ascertain relevant facts, the law should not require the lawyer to verify the other lawyer’s representations:
We decline to require attorneys to burden unnecessarily the courts and litigation process with discovery to verify the truthfulness of material representations made by opposing counsel. The reliability of lawyers’ representations is an integral component of the fair and efficient administration of justice. The law should promote lawyers’ care in making statements that are accurate and trustworthy and should foster the reliance upon such statements by others.
The Court added that “Bell’s attorney’s right to rely upon any material misrepresentations that may have been made by opposing counsel is established as a matter of law.”

What’s the Difference Between Perjury and Plain Lies?

First, let me clear up the terminology. In his email, Brett asked whether lawyers are allowed to commit “perjury.” The term “perjury” refers specifically to making a false statement under oath. It’s rare for lawyers to commit perjury for the simple reason that lawyers generally do not make statements under oath--that’s what witnesses do. Instead, lawyers make arguments based on the testimony of witnesses, but they don’t do so under oath.
But even when a lawyer is required to make a statement under oath (such as when the lawyer is himself a witness), it is never proper to make a false statement. Perjury is a crime no matter who commits it.
But what about when the lawyer isn’t under oath? The American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer “shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact.” In other words, lawyers aren’t supposed to lie--and they can be disciplined or even disbarred for doing so. But notice, the key word here is “knowingly.” A lawyer cannot “knowingly” lie.
 “There comes a time in your life when you can no longer put off choosing. You have to choose one path or the other. You can live safe and be protected by people just like you, or you can stand up and be a leader for what is right. Always, remember this: People never remember the crowd; they remember the one person that had the courage to say and do what no one would do.”
Shannon L. Alder

The official duties of an Esquire
Let's not forget that all U.S. BAR Attorneys have entitled themselves, as a direct result of their official BAR license and oaths, with the British title of "esquire." This word is a derivative of the British word "squire."
SQUIRE, n. [a popular contraction of esquire] 1. In Great Britain, the title of a gentleman next in rank to a knight. 2. In Great Britain, an attendant on a noble warrior. 3. An attendant at court. 4. In the United States, the title of magistrates and lawyers. In New-England, it is particularly given to justices of the peace and judges. - Webster's 1828 Dictionary.
ESQUIRE n. Earlier as squire n.1 lme. [Origin French. esquier (mod. écuyer) f. Latin scutarius shield - bearer, f. scutum shield: see - ary 1.] 1. Orig. (now Hist.), a young nobleman who, in training for knighthood, acted as shield-bearer and attendant to a knight. Later, a man belonging to the higher order of English gentry, ranking next below a knight. lme. b Hist. Any of various officers in the service of a king or nobleman. c A landed proprietor, a country squire. arch. - Oxford English Dictionary 1999.
During the English feudal laws of land ownership and tenancy, a squire - esquire - was established as the land proprietor charged with the duty of carrying out, among various other duties, the act of attornment [see definition above] for the land owner and nobleman he served. Could this be any simpler for the average American to understand? If our current U.S. BAR Attorneys were just lawyers, solicitors, barristers, advocates or counselors, then they would call themselves the same. They have named themselves just exactly what they are, yet we blindly cannot see the writing on the wall.
The BAR Attorneys have not hidden this from anyone. That's why they deliberately call themselves "Esquires" and "Attorneys at law." It is the American people who have hidden their own heads in the sand.
Knowing these simple truths, why would anyone consider the services of BAR Attorney-Esquire as his representative within the ruling courts of America? Their purposes, position, occupation, job, and duty is to transfer your allegiance, property, and rights to the landowner, a.k.a. STATE.
They are sworn oath officers of the State whose sole authority is to transfer your property to their landowner-employer. Think about this the next time you enter their courtrooms. From now on, all Americans should refuse to enter past the outer bar when they are called. Who would voluntarily want to relinquish all he has by passing into their legal trap that exists inside that outer bar?
We must all refuse to recognize their royal position as Squires and refuse to hire them as our representatives and agents. They can't plead or argue for you anyway; all they can do is oversee the act of attornment on behalf of the ruling government whom they serve as official officers. Nothing stops your neighbor from being a barrister or lawyer. No real law prohibits any of us from being lawyers! Even Abraham Lincoln was a well-recognized lawyer, yet he had no formal law degree. Let the BAR Attorneys continue in their jobs as property transfer agent-officers for the State, but if no defendant hires them, they'll have to get new jobs or they'll starve. Fire your BAR Attorney and represent yourself as your own lawyer, or hire any non-BAR-licensed lawyer to assist you from outside the courtroom bar.
Refuse to acknowledge all judges who are also licensed BAR Attorneys. Every judge in Florida State is a member of the Florida BAR. This is unlawful and unconstitutional as a judge cannot be an Esquire nor can he represent any issue in commerce, such as that of the State. Every Florida State judge has compromised his purported neutral and impartial judicial position by being a State Officer through his BAR licensure. This is an unlawful monopoly of power and commerce.
The Unauthorized Practice of Law
Fire your BAR Attorney. Refuse to acknowledge their corrupt inner-bar courts of thievery. Formally charge them with the illegal act of practicing law without lawful authority. Why? A BAR Attorney is not a lawyer by lawful definition. An Esquire is an officer of the State with the duty to carry out State activities, including "attornment."
State officers have no constitutional authority to practice law as lawyers, barristers, advocates, or solicitors. Americans should begin formally charging these false lawyers with unlawfully practicing the profession of law since their BAR licenses only give them the privilege to be Attorneys and Squires over land transfers.
The Lawyer’s Duty To Report Another Lawyer’s
Unethical Violations in the W
ake of Himmel
Ronald D. Rotunda
Chapman University, Fowler

Reputation and Social Perfection: The Social Creation of Mr. Hyde Proxy  Highlight
were hidden. In Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886), Robert Louis. Stevenson uses Mr. Hyde to show that Victorian people and society are imperfect ... respectability. As an upper-class and respectable lawyer, he often is the “last reputable acquaintance” and “last good influence” for these people (7).4 His odd.....

Davis focuses her accusations on her boss, Sam Baxter, a lawyer at the respected law firm McKool Smith who interviewed the self-described "overachiever" for a job in 2010.
Here, according to court filings, is what happened over the next 10 months:
Chelsea Davis accepted Mr. Baxter's offer of employment at McKool Smith wholly unaware of Samuel Baxter's reputation for making inappropriate advances on female employees. Throughout her tenure at McKool Smith, Ms. Davis would learn that Samuel Baxter preys upon young, unsuspecting females and uses his money, power and influence to snare his victims. Chelsea Davis entered into employment at McKool Smith as a young, beautiful, naive, ambitious, and recently divorced woman, thus rendering her a delicious target. Rather than using his power, money and influence to improve the patent litigation profession, as all respectable lawyers should, Samuel Baxter has repeatedly chosen to use his stature as a tool to carry out his perversions and abuse. Hiding behind the prestige of his position as shareholder at McKool Smith and Chelsea Davis's mento, Chelsea Davis, like many of Mr. Baxter's victims, never foresaw the tremendous abuse Mr. Baxter would repeatedly inflict on her.
The lawyers duty to report a lawyer committing malfeasance Proxy  Highlight
Oct 3, 2017 ... For too long corrupt lawyers, medical experts and other professional enablers have tried to evade justice by hiding behind a veneer of respectability.
Although I have touched on Ferguson here Feguson awaits a decision from the grand jury- The 
Rashomon effect 
I just found this article in above link that is interesting. However the sentence appropriate for this page is this
"It is also true that both Cosby and Wilson are innocent in the eyes of the law. That matters. It is also morally inadequate. There is more to innocence than mere legality and the law is not alone in having eyes. The law is weighted in favour of the wealthy and the powerful. When threatened, they apply their thumbs to the scale with great pressure and great care not to leave any prints. "
When lawyers totally manipulate justice for revenge based on lies.
"As they say: "nothing is so vain and self-serving as the law". How much bad faith and crime is hidden behind such seemingly respectable façades? Legal people are just people of course, good, bad and everything in between, though too many of them think otherwise. Enough preaching for now! Be further edified by an extended version of this kind of lawyers' justice."

The photos taken by reputable witnesses in temporal order proving my innocence of Oct 2001 arrest.

People, Banks, Charitable Organizations and Lawyers Who Take ADVANTAGE of Holocaust SURVIVORS and their Children

People, Banks, Charitable Organizations and Lawyers Who Take ADVANTAGE of Holocaust SURVIVORS and their Children

This is not going public with full post until some time later, or never.
The term "people" does not apply to any one living person or many living people. It is just a word expressing the general field of "people".

 “Don’t remain silent. Speak out when you see injustice done. Speak out because one individual can make a difference.”
—Nat Shaffir, Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer


The photos taken by reputable witnesses in temporal order proving my innocence of Oct 2001 arrest.