Saturday, August 25, 2018

Patricia D. Laub Esq Condemned my Mother to a Lonely Old age and Death; My mother survived Hitler and Dr Mengele but Patricia D. Laub Esq brought her down into an anxiety of loneliness.

Patricia D. Laub Esq Condemned my Mother to a Lonely Old age and Death; My mother survived Hitler and Dr Mengele but Patricia D. Laub Esq brought her down into an anxiety of loneliness.

What does it feel like to be old and alone? Watch video.

First read what an attorney describes about how Patricia Dillon Laub and his mother. This needs understanding as background to most what I write about Laub. Its not just me! The momentum will grow over time...and I have only time given Laub stole my normal life.

The story of my mother, destroyed by Patricia D. Laub Esq partner in Frost Brown Todd in collusion with The Greater Cincinnati Foundation, is complicated. It needs some background in psychology to fully, or even mostly understand.

First it needs to be understood that I was severely damaged by a major theft that included ....nope.. that will not begin to describe what happened....

I had for the most part secured my retirement and financial security for old age by 2001. I was 52 then.

My mother was living in a luxury condo in a building built around 1920, It had many rooms, 3 bathrooms, multiple bedrooms, a servants quarters and was great for my mother to be surrounded by so much that she had grown accustomed to over the decades.

I was traveling around the world every year revisiting artist contacts I had made long ago for my retail business.

My psychiatrist MD wife asked for a separation in 199?

During the separation Kimberly Colangelo walked out of the Good Samaritan Psych ward to have lunch on my business street. Self admitted patients can do that. Colangelo set her eyes on my situation and being pretty much a failure at what she had tried before she wanted to gold dig on me.
Keep in mind the truly "Successful Narcissistic, Malevolent Machiavellian Sociopath" is called "successful" first, is no small thing, as Dr Barbara Oakley points out in her book "Evil Genes".

Kimberly's manipulation was excellent, I fell for it in my grief after losing my wife.
1999 Kimberly Colangelo very well schooled in both human and animal reproduction became pregnant "accidentally"  and threatened to abort when I kept telling her I would never marry again (especially her).

My son was born 1999.
End of 2001 Colangelo and her boyfriend and my manager and his wife had the police lock me up so they could move the contents of two of my four stores for their benefit, immediately. Then they accused me again and I had to pay about $10 a day for electronic monitoring .... the Sheriff's deputy (Deputy White in Warren County) told me that Colangelo was acting like NO victim he had ever observed before and I was acting like NO perpetrator he had ever monitored in the past so maybe I should not have the monitoring he said. My attorney said I should stay monitored given that Kimberly and her cohorts keep harming me every chance they have. (and that has not stopped given Kimberly's interaction with Patricia Dillon Laub Esq. and the accountant close to Laub, maybe that is why they condemned me, on the say so of Colangelo who has finally succeeded in destroying me with the help of Laub.)

To the mother told me that rescuing my store from the damages done by Kimberly and her friends was prime...that visiting her was great but not at the expense of letting my business fail completely.  So I struggled with my retail business and visited my mother when I could. I was on anxiety and depression medications. I w3as so very f_ _ ked up in every way conceivable...and Kimberly Colangelo was alienating my son from was worthless.

My mother did talk to me about things that I already understood as I was raised by my mother.

My mother knew how much money I would get after she passed and she was concerned that I do the right thing....and all my life my mother had been teaching me what she believed was the right thing to do, as I did with my son until Patricia Dillon Laub Esq finalized the alienation of my son. For some reason my mother was set on me not using her money for "flipping houses"....I had never desired to do such. To make money on the misery of others. This was in the last year of her life when she had much lucidity at times...and at other times not so much. But when she did she was who she was and Laub stole that from me by not allowing a living arrangement that would make my mother content.

My mother was not very talkative about what she felt.
My mother was anxious in the fascilities dictated by Patricia Dillon Laub Esq.
She would tell me as much when we did have the lucid discussions.

Patricia Dillon Laub Esq refused what my mother asked her for through me.

"That's NOT possible"...the words still ring in my ears.

Although Kelley Downing had emptied my mother's condo as I watched helplessly...making suggestions that were ignored, my mother could still live in my home if it was fixed up. Being close to destitute and surviving mostly on a stipend from my mother's money every month my home used to be great, 1906 house with zebra oak wood floors. Excellent gas light neighborhood.  Close to grocery etc. After the arrest everything slowly deteriorated in my home. Yet it would have been cheaper to fix the house than spend the extraordinary huge amounts of money to keep my mother at the retirement home then assisted living.

Laub said "That's not possible" In retrospect Laub wanted 100% control with no interference from me. In retrospect I understand Laub used her great influence and respect to funnel the money of the wealthy to The Greater Cincinnati Foundation. They gave laub an award for being so good at what she does.

I KNEW what was going to be be done with my mother's money as did my mother.
Three thirds made this whole..
One third to me
One to my son,
One to TGCF.

After my mother passed, given all the papers my mother and I signed on request with total trust, not reading them how could such a person screw us?...HOW?...too damned easily I know now....because Patricia Dillon Laub Esq was so well respected as a trust attorney and I NEVER researched just how many Trust attorney were in jail for taking money from clients unethically.
Go back and read the top it is again
Three pages from an attorney whose mother was screwed financially by Laub. In PDF so it is accurate here. What Laub did to my mother and to me is not her first malfeasance or whatever LEAs , criminologists and prosecutors would label it. To top it off Laub offered a large amount of money to Jonathan R. Zell Esq if he did not write about what Laub did to Eileen Zell....which can be read in the pdf. Zell told me that happened, the offer of money and his refusal. I will take it as the truth but the reader need not.

Patricia Dillon Laub Esq took away my son from me by changing the "stipend" into a loan. With interest of $35,000 . $75,000 legal fees...look at what Laub charged in legal fees to Eileen Zell! I am not pointing fingers alone in the ether! And I will continue pointing at Laub until I die.

I get NOTHING that my mother wanted for me.
Kimbelry Colangelo's favorite curse is
"May you die alone"
Laub in collusion with Colangelo is making this worse with dying alone in poverty.

More details are within this link and other links

My mother had no idea that once being safe from the Nazis she and I would have to endure Patricia Dillon Laub Esq. 

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