Thursday, January 25, 2018

Tenacity of Generation 2 Holocaust survivor against THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER

Tenacity of Generation 2 Holocaust survivor against THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER

Much of what I know I learned from my dog which I rescued from Bali Indonesia.
Edit; The eye patch was for Halloween. Tiga's eyesight was fine. The leg  harness was similarly not really functional but Tiga looks very cool IMO.

Studies have shown various degrees of damage to 2nd generation holocaust survivors.
My brother killed himself because...well, one thing was he could not deal with our mother's traumatic damages.

I was lucky and had some good outside help to strengthen me. In various forms.

However I could not survive Kimberly Colangelo the mother of my son who threatened abortion if I did not marry her. I told that story but not in its entirety yet, too long. I am in the last stages of what may eventually be called success in survival or failure. As always I could use now, any help offered to overcome the WELL RESPECTED LAWYER who knows that not surviving her is most likely "death" to me. I have made parallels of her to another woman who was feared for good reason.

{hyperbole is not a bad literary device J.F. ....especially if the author acknowledges it as such.  So no, THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER likely, hmm...probably.... should not be compared to Ilse Koch the Bitch of Buchenwald ....but for me my mind.... it really clicks!}

Check out the photo of my deceased dog from Indonesia.
I was driving down a street in Bali with Kimberly Colangelo who would tell me I and no other person in her experience would stop my motorcycle (or whatever I was driving) for turtles trying to cross the street, an often fatal endeavor for the turtle. In retrospect THE GREAT MANIPULATOR Kimberly Colangelo could have just been doing her "thing" as any good "Successful Narcissistic Malevolent Machiavellian Sociopath does when getting what they want. From outward appearances Colangelo loves animals but from what I observed at least one animal drove Colangelo to physical brutality.

That would be my dog in the top link....a dog who would have died had Colangelo not demanded I stop the car so she could check out the dog laying still in the road, alive....with a smashed front paw.

This dog was very unusual. Dogs in Bali are timid aggressive, and bark much. Colangelo was able to pick up the dog and put it in the car. Upon inquiry we found an Indonesian Veterinarian who was trained in the states. The vet complete with white jacket performed 2 separate operations on the dog's leg giving us little hope for its survival.

The dog survived. I named the dog the Indonesian word for "3" and the dog followed Colangelo wherever she went in Bali, very grateful to be alive at about 8 months of age with many scars on his head but non on his rear. That said much for a young skinny street dog. I was in a village with Tiga when a large dog came up to Tiga. Tiga was happy to greet company...until the large dog suddenly and viciously sucker bit Tiga's head.

Tiga gave a startled short sharp "yelp" with a an instinctive jump away BUT still facing the large aggressive dog.

This happened AFTER the FIRST amputation at about the ankle where there was too little skin left to successfully heal around the stump. So Tiga was walking on BONE with no apparent major pain, just discomfort and a limp.

Tiga never took his eyes off the large dog. Tiga began to slowly limp forwards towards the large dog, eyes locked on the large dog's eyes as he closed the distance slowly.

OK...the large dog "Got It", turned tail and RAN.
Keep in mind that not much time had passed since we found the dog with plastic sticking out of its skinny rear end, so hungry and desperate for food was he after his paw was flattened. Tiga would later be brought to the veterinarian in white jacket for the second amputation that would leave enough skin to heal over the bone.

Dear reader, you might understand I am imagining myself as Tiga and THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER as the veterinarian in white lab jacket.

Kimberly Colangelo for some reason did not want to take Tiga to the states. Tiga had no future in Bali with a missing leg. Its the culture there. I paid to fly Tiga to the states. I drove to where Tiga would be delivered, Chicago, and brought Tiga home.

Tiga needed to be "fixed".
Here at home we knew a veterinarian for that job.
We brought Tiga to the vet.
So...Tiga had two harrowing experiences with a man in white jackets .

Tiga understood IMMEDIATELY upon seeing the white jacket that having already lost two parts of his body, two sections of his leg, such men are extraordinarily dangerous.

True to form Tiga did NOT try to escape the imminent danger he faced.
It was all Kimberly Colangelo and I could do to hold on to Tiga's furious barking body trying to lunge into the vet in order to destroy the danger. I was loving Tiga more and more. I KNEW Tiga would die for me. He had NO fear. Just a mission to be and let be and receive affection.

Yep the third time was it for Tiga just as I had to learn that The WELL RESPECTED LAWYER was a financial danger to me. Sadly at the time of the American veterinarian experience I had no idea yet that Kimberly was my major financial and spiritual danger who would destroy me leaving me too weak to fend off THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER who betrayed my mother and my son.

The true essence of THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER was revealed to ne soon after my mother died albeit the silencing of the accountant in front of me so the accountant could not contradict the WELL RESPECTED LAWYER was  understood by me later, after my mother died.
The true essence of Kimberly Colangelo was revealed to Tiga when....keep in mind Kimberly was a psychiatric patient with serious issues demanding serious psychiatric drugs....with a very non serious non professional (IMO) psychiatrist in charge of her.

Kimberly had thrown out every fire smoke detection device in the house because she could not stand the noise they made when the stove overcooked. Stupid, dangerous but that was Kimberly.

I did mention that like all Indonesian dogs, Tiga barked, a lot.
Any outside noise would set Tiga off into defending our territory.

Kimberly could not take the barking.
I had little problem with it.

Kimberly put the leash on Tiga and dragged him out the back door one time while Tiga was desperately letting whoever was outside that he was ready to die for us.
Kimberly LITERALLY YANKED Tiga's CHAIN...very hard and fast, numerous times...until Tiga said, ENOUGH and clamped hjis jaws on Kimberly's arm, HARD, bruising it. Kimberly stopped and as an animal lover she knew that she deserved the consequences of tormenting a dog for no reason the dog or I could understand anyway. Psychiatric illness is a terrible thing. The pain of the bite was like a slap in the face to create "REASON" in the mind of a crazy person. Kimberly stopped hurting Tiga, likely ashamed of herself as Tiga was an animal and not me.

Video of a painting Kimberly did of herself, and one of her books. I was returning her belongings after my arrest. The self portrait and the book should explain the anger Kimberly displaced on me when I would not LOVE her after being forced to marry her to save my son who she has now completely alienated from me, with the death blow given by THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER.
As I mentioned in another post, some people survive severe trauma and others not so much.
I would feel sorry for Kimberly had she not taken my son and my ability to make a living.

Now...THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER has no plausible excuse given she is a partner in a huge law firm and being in control of so many trusts, estates and the lives...literally the lives of so many unfortunates.

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