Monday, July 30, 2018

Why is Patricia D. Laub Esq spending huge amounts of money hiring other expensive lawyers and firms instead of using her firm excursively to combat my insistence for forensic testing of a doc that seems to have a forged signature of my mother?

Why is Patricia D. Laub Esq spending huge amounts of money hiring other expensive lawyers and firms instead of using her firm excursively to combat my insistence for forensic testing of a doc that seems to have a forged signature of my mother?

Being not too bright I can only think of two reasons.

1) She is scared forensics will find forgery

2) She wants to deplete the trust and blame it on me so she can break me.

Attorney Jonathan Zell Esq.’s take on Patricia Dillon Laub Esq. and her partnership in Frost Brown and Todd

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