Friday, July 20, 2018

Patricia D. Laub Esq KNOWS if.... "Can Playing “Hot Potato” with a Client’ s Litigation Case Defeat all Malpractice Claims?"

Patricia D. Laub Esq KNOWS if ......"Can Playing “Hot Potato” with a Client’s Litigation Case Defeat all Malpractice Claims?"

The more I research my mother's deceitful (IMO and that of Jonathan Zell Esq) trust attorney Patricia Dillon Laub ESQ the more I despise her for her cold blooded calculating lack of morality and ethics. 

All that Jonathan Zell Esq of Columbus Ohio posted.

Jonathan Zell Esq and his mother Eileen have their stories with Patricia Dillon Laub Esq and Frost Brown and Todd.

One can always question one person's perspective, even if Zell is an attorney...but two perspectives from different cities near where Patricia Dillon Laub Esq practices trust law in what we see as a very distrustful manner?

My mother has her story with Patricia Dillon Laub Esq 
Patricia Dillon Laub Esq DESTROYED her dreams of her family continuing after she escaped Auschwitz.

In her own words, Paula S. Biren M.D. and think of Patricia Dillon Laub Esq aiding and abetting Kimberly Colangelo in alienating me from my 18 year old son.

Oral History of my mother, Dr Paula S. Biren, deceased June 2016, A.V. from 2005 and film from 1979   +

A previous post to illustrate what questions the reader may have.

The paper this post produced in court has no witness signature.
Court has ruled that even with a witness signature REMOVED OR ON IT the document would have no affect.

Jonathan Zell Esq in posts above indicates Patricia Dillon Laub Esq can defeat Malpractice charges.
I think so also.

However altering a document that they brought to court as a piece of evidence of some sort, is a felony. That would also be malpractice. But Mr Zell Refuses to believe the justice system would ever charge such a well respected lawyer with anything.

There are many ways to alter a document.
It is the altering that is a serious crime, a red flag to other crimes in this case involving the well respected lawyer Patricia Dillon Laub Esq.

I do not know if RICO applies but what I have researched is

2923.31 Corrupt activity definitions.

Definitions , many definitions found here;

This gets my attention;

(E) "Pattern of corrupt activity" means two or more incidents of corrupt activity, whether or not there has been a prior conviction, that are related to the affairs of the same enterprise, are not isolated, and are not so closely related to each other and connected in time and place that they constitute a single event. “ 

IMO the cases of Zell and my mothers are the two in highlight above that should get a number of professionals involved with Patricia Dillon Laub Esq in deep legal quicksand.


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