Friday, February 9, 2018

CRITICAL: The Reptilian Brain and Patricia ____ ____ Esq, That which gives Patricia ____ ____ Esq POWER

 Reptilian Brain and Patricia ____ ____ Esq, That which gives Patricia ____ ____ Esq POWER

Sounds strange, eh?

Reptilian Brain.?

Let me explain as was explained to me.
13 minutes into this YouTube Video David Snyder explains it, by categorizing sociability under the part of the brain called the reptilian brain.

The reptilian brain is in charge of reproduction, food, sociability, survival....all the PRIMAL drives.

Under sociability Snyder gives the example of primitive cultures who sacrifice humans.

He notes that those who are sacrificed are easily reproduced, thus the good looking virgins die and the heads of the tribe, military, government do not get sacrificed to the goddesses. Supply and demand. Good looking virgins are plentiful over time. High status people not so much. Like with Judge Heath. The "successful narcissistic malevolent, Machiavellian Sociopath"s studied by Dr Barbara Oakley PhD in her book "Evil Genes"...BTW...WELL RESPECTED LAWYER Patricia ____ ____ Esq, WHERE ARE MY MOTHER'S DIAMONDS AND GOLD???

When the colleague of  Patricia ____ ____ Esq, warned my attorney away from combating Patricia ____ ____ Esq, by saying "SHE IS A WELL RESPECTED LAWYER" she was saying that those in charge will do anything for a person of HIGH SOCIAL STATUS.

That means magistrates and judges will kowtow to  Patricia ____ ____ Esq, and her needs and the low status folk, like me and my lawyer get sacrificed for her well being. Patricia ____ ____ Esq, WINS, ALWAYS....and so far probate court is bearing this fact out. The judge seems to be in the pocket of Patricia ____ ____ Esq, IMO. ....

....kind of like observing Sociopath Judge James Heath (I have posted his video leading to his suicide short time ago) rubber stamp a crooked prosecutor's Motion in Limine. Judge is of high status. prosecutor is of high status. So who falls to the prosecutor?
Poor people for sure.
I was lucky and Judge James Heath did not affect me with a negative outcome when he tried to raise the status of Prosecutor do know that the MORE convictions a prosecutor gets, the more status that prosecutor has and do not underestimate that social "thing"...power and MONEY come with it. 

 Sometimes you can look at someone and KNOW when they are telling the truth.
The accountant knew that about me but Patricia ____ ____ Esq, shut the accountant front of me....and Patricia ____ ____ Esq, told the magistrate in the second hearing in which I had no representation, that "IT NEVER HAPPENED"...those simple words in a low voice. That what the accountant told me in front of Patricia ____ ____ Esq, actually NEVER HAPPENED. The higher status person wanted my mother's money to go elsewhere and I was the sacrifice to the Gods. UNDUE INFLUENCE which is camouflaged in many creative lawyer one can  not prove what the layman would judge as undue influence...yes, we have a very corrupt justice system.
Actually i thought of another reason for the low voice and the lie too blatant. Something from just before I was arrested by those who put me in front of the sociopath Judge James Heath, well respected judge in Warren County. I came to understand that if I was so rattled and SHOCKED by such a blatant LIE, I would start LOUDLY CONTESTING THE front of the magistrate3...and that makes a low status person even LOWER STATUS in the eyes of magistrates.

I have found IN TIME ALL comes out.
Like with Judge Heath
Jonathan Zell Esq. in Columbus knows something about  Patricia ____ ____ Esq,

I seem to have my grandfather's and my mother's genes...yep.

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