Tuesday, February 6, 2018

"DON'T FLIP HOUSES"..My mother told me in 2015-16...Well Respected Lawyer is such a Thief

"DON'T FLIP HOUSES"..My mother told me in 2015-16...Well Respected Lawyer is such a Thief

My mother KNEW what I was SUPPOSED to receive through her will.

In her clear moments which could be surprisingly clear, my mother could be very communicative with me.

Not surprisingly, given my mother raised me, we shared many of the same values. Sometimes that sharing became confused in her mind. A good example is that even though I took one of the first classes in "Women's Issues" at the University of Cincinnati, my mother seemed not to take notice of how special that was, given it was IIRC THE first class in such at U.C.

When I was in a very good relationship with a very MILITANT feminist, my mother  did not take notice. This militant feminist was a PhD in psychology. Very active in women's affairs and LGBT. She still is, she works with such and heterosexuals in Wisconsin now  A confluence of events made marriage a sad impossibility. My mother seemed not to like  Dr ____  _____'s appearance, looks. My mother had a great sense of aesthetics. My mother told me she would have preferred going into fashion design than becoming a medical doctor. My girlfriend was not beautiful but to me, after I truly got to know her, she was everything. I was crushed when she left for post graduate school with NO promises of a future together. Instead of marrying a psychologist I married a psychiatrist who wanted me and with whom I did loved spending my time traveling etc....we had fun...good times and bad times.... (yes the psychiatrist and I separated and left me open to Kimberly Colangelo and then to the WELL RESPECTED LAWYER who is in process of destroying me for reasons that are nor ethical or moral or actually legal but lawyers control what is legal etc. Probate lawyers especially. I am so itching to print out the names of the WELL RESPECTED LAWYER and the WELL RESPECTED LAW FIRM in which she is a partner. I have to wait for that pleasure. My own lawyer would be so very upset if I did that now. Patience is paramount.

My mother KNEW I needed to be financially resurrected. And what she left for me would have done that...not 100% but I could live with the amount and the distribution as my mother SEEMED to want it, albeit I believe undue influence was exerted on her by THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER to come up with the ....with what my lawyer sees as strange percentages under the circumstances. I agree with my lawyer but I know my mother's thinking was very rigid from the huge PTSD of the Holocaust....and that is OK. My mother long ago was at least not, I believe, under undue influences from the WELL RESPECTED LAWYER A PARTNER IN THE WELL RESPECTED LAW FIRM of ____ ___ & ____.  https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn517852  
then again maybe she was when the link of my mother talking in 2005 is compared to my mother doing the same a very long time previously...undue influence was not at all seen in the early history archive when my mother was so much younger. 1985.

1985. Did my mother even know THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER back in pre 1985 when she gave an oral history for Shoah??/ Hmm. The plot of THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER sickens.
1985...that was before the psychologist I loved who my mother did not like based on her appearances.
Feminism was something I was interested in then, not my mother. I could be mistaken but hey, if my mother had been into feminism pre THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER she would have loved my militant feminist psychologist. I know this. But my mother did not. Nowhere in the tapes from Shoah was feminism mentioned IIRC. BTW the director was miffed by my mother's...response to him....so in the actual movies SHOAH he cut her tape to about 5 seconds. The D.C. Holocaust Museum had that rectified. In their long version of pre 1985 my mother seems so much more alert and on top of everything. In the 2055 version....well, I took my mother to the airport for the trip to D.C. and the interview linked above. Had I not been with my mother, she could NEVER have negotiated her way to the plane...I was assured someone from the Holocaust Museum would be picking her up. My mother was lacking capacity for much....easy prey for THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER.

My mother goes through 11 video tape segments, being interviewed by a feminist historian (this is good given my history of involvement with feminism). At the end of the tapes thereabout I hear my mother touch upon feminism, for the first time in the interview. After my mother met THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER...is when my mother started asking me why I was not a feminist. (YES that should be confusing, it was to me) A point in a time line to be sure.The 80s to 2005 to early June 2016 before my mother passed when the accountant and THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER had a major difference of opinion, very briefly..then the accountant toed the party line...under threat?...that's my guess, yes...it had to be under threat because the accountant is too pure in morality and ethics...until the point in time early June 2016 in the very expensive law office of THE WELL RESPECTED LAWYER partner in the very, very expensive firm of ____ ____&;_____.

Flipping houses.
My mother knew she was going to resurrect me financially.
My mother (and I ) had heard of people flipping houses.
I was in the process of losing my home.
I knew  some flipper was going to FLIP my home if I lost it. More on that later.
My mother could npot remember the word flip.
I reminded her on the proper term and said that was never to be in my future.....flipping that is, not necessarily being flipped.
We have now come full circle in this post.

Point is the WELL RESPECTED LAWYER dishonored my mother, me and my son, lied to me, the magistrate and so much more.... dirty filthy tricks ....she needs to be locked up. I wonder if my keyboard can accomplish that in an ethical moral manner. My  mother would want that no other way.

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