Saturday, February 24, 2018

IMO, I and what is left of my family were grievously harmed by Patricia D. L. Esq.

IMO, I and what is left of my family were grievously harmed by Patricia D. L. Esq.

Let's bump up two posts that are interesting to me.


The latter is especially interesting.
I give Patricia D. L. Esq four possibilities as to what happened to the paper in her possession at one time....around...hmm.....February FOURTH 2011, well ...that's when my mother signed the paper.

I told Janet Simpkinson, the accountant, that I had the signed paper with a witness signature.
IIRC Janet asked me to wait until she called Patricia D. L. Esq.
Janet then told me to bring the paper to her asap...That Patricia D. L. Esq wanted to see it.
So I did. Definitely within the first week of February 2011...sooner...much sooner.

Now in February 2018, gosh darn it's an anniversary ;))  I post the latter link holding the four choices of what I think was possible regarding that signed and witnessed paper. Within a week THE PAPER is found, supposedly in possession of Janet Simpkinson...who I used to trust and love as family.

From M.S. in Criminal Justice degree; Without TRUST white collar crime ain't much possible, ain't it?

Darn, ain't that something!!!! Found so quick when I had been asking Janet and Patricia for the very same paper for YEARS!!!! it seems.

The official version was that it was hiding under something or another.

Dang, this sure is some frisky minded paper, hiding since February 2011...likely moving itself from here to out yonder and back. SEVEN YEARS....but it only took a number of days since my post to find the paper sans witness signature, FRAUD methinks, think you not?

But WAIT...I just found MORE!
Son of a gun....ain't that somethin' !

How did that signature of the witness leave the paper my mother signed with me and the WITNESS watching everything about the signing?

Yep, I signed after my mother and the witness signed after me. But not a trace of that signature...can you say "fraud"? or the appropriate word for this situation that defies rationality? No my my....

This is just the tip of a very insidious iceberg that, because first and second generation, and third, survivors of the holocaust are involved will likely become a very viral international story eventually, if I have to email all over the planet. I figure for every 100 emails with these links that I send out there will be one journalist who will relish writing this story. The other 99% will dismiss it because they will, they have to...think I am crazy...but HEY, CRAZY is just one more damage to add on to the litiga5ion of the future! Professionals tell me if I am not crazy from my son's mother, Warren County, and Patricia D. L. esq it would mean I was too insane to be just crazy....and thus unable to type this crap.

I spoke in person to visiting researcher of "Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry" (reminds me Patricia, what the heck happened to a couple hundred thousand dollars or so of my mothers expensive JEWELRY??? You knew I was lacking capacity to open letters, and I then thought that anything important you would let me know of, by VOICE, knowing I was lacking capacity from severe PTSD and anxiety about what Kimberly Colangelo and her friends did to me in Warren County...right? )

But I diverge dear readers. My apologies.

Oh....Dr Einat Libel-Hass PhD in "Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry", researching at HUC nearby, told me face to face as we talked, that in Israel NOW...FOURTH generation....Holocaust survivors are being studied for ill effects the first generation passed on to second and third and now fourth generation. I mentioned my brother killed himself. That my son's mother..oh it is in the last link above...mush of the hell his mother put on me. in 2001 and 2002 from which the PTSD and anxiety does not stop. Damn you Patricia D L Esq! My mother INTENDED TO SAVE ME FROM ALL THAT Damned YOU,  you give it to strangers unless my lawyer saves me from you and your damn law firm, F. B. & T. You gave it to my son WITH NO RULES...Rules my mother wanted me to pass on to my son. Now no mother and no son just utter contempt for how you Patricia D. L. Esq treated us! The justice system us supposed to help us victims of your too high status to be prosecuted.
My son is alienated from me and he has no idea what to do with money....most importantly to protect it from people like his mother who stole me blind because I did not have a nuptial stupid actions need to be learned not to do by my son...but he won't talk to me. His mother told him I am irresponsible thus getting nmo money from what my mother meant for me. Kimberly Colangelo can make gold out of any crappy situation. After ruining me, Kimberly Colangelo KNOWS the money my mother wants me to have is maybe half or less that what Colangelo took from me in many ways. To alienate children one must lie to them... other than Patricia D. L. Esq IMO, I have never met a better more proficient liar that Colangelo. She makes up symptoms IIRC to have doctors supply her with the meds she wants, not needs, but wants. Her cousin told me about the Oxy that was taken from her by Colangelo.

I have two phone numbers for Dr Einat Libel-Hass PhD in "Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry"
for doubters....hmm, maybe I need to depose her soon....while still in Cincinnati.

The reptilian part of the brain and Patricia D. L. Esq are explained in the link from the link below that which has "reptile" in title. If you are black, poor, marginalized you like me are in deep doo doo...when Patricia D. L. Esq has you in her sights...supported by her shared firm F. B. & T.


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