Tuesday, November 4, 2014

...continuing...Criminal Justice Immunity and the International Waldorf School System

 *"If our criminal justice system is to be a true justice system, then due process must attach at all stages. Right now, prosecutors run riot. That needs to change. "

I left off here;..... BTW any attorney specializing in the constitution and would like to "fix" the problem of allowing immunity and unethical discretion for prosecutors in their doing harm to innocents can certainly find me and talk to me. Obviously I do not want to post a phone number etc. If you can't find me then it is likely I would need an attorney who could. It needs brilliance and tenacity to change a system. The Supreme Court would be the obvious venue for this end-game.

I am thinking a "donation Box" towards paying for this outcome may be necessary unless there is such an attorney who is personally outraged by the system and really desires to end the injustice.

I left off here;

which included this link to the source of much that ills the criminal justice system and other courts within the justice system http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/03/19/law-enforcement-clue-jury-criminal-column/6490641/
From above link; "If our criminal justice system is to be a true justice system, then due process must attach at all stages. Right now, prosecutors run riot. That needs to change.  "

The immunity protections of the prosecutor allows them to do whatever s/he desires within some bounds that usually do not exclude that which are unethical...criminal bounds; sometimes but not usually...

....and therein lies the problem.

It should be criminal for a prosecutor to prosecute ONLY for conviction rates regardless of the facts of the case which are often barred from the case where an innocent could be spared much grief or his/her life) if only the prosecutor did not give a damn about his conviction rate.

The original argument was that if a prosecutor feared penalties, severe penalties brought against her/him then how could the prosecutor do his job.

Most "reformers" with a passion... are the end result of injustice.
The specific matter of "immune prosecutors" is my experience of "injustice". One of several reasons I went for a MS degree (Criminal Justice).

I used to have a blog that was about the details of my case....I named names...but I took it a step further by branching into a personal level that I regret entering. It included a corrupt private school system...and a teacher at that school...it was all true. I still, if I desired, could resurrect that old blog. A few clicks and it would be "out there again".

The consequences of doing so have been relayed to me.
If I still had the financial assets I had before the criminal Justice System allowed four criminals to get away with too many felonies I would choose freedom of speech and "fix" that facet of my problem.

When I "attack" the corruption mentioned in this link http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/03/19/law-enforcement-clue-jury-criminal-column/6490641/     by Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor,I mean to address the entire system. However my focus is my experience in Warren County Ohio Criminal Justice System.

I have been mandated never to mention the specifics of a particular school...so, instead I will go for the root cause; The International Waldorf School System.
There are Yahoo Groups and blogs for people who are not in line with the Waldorf School System.

From; https://sites.google.com/site/waldorfwatch/my-sad-sad-story

"How I Deprogrammed Myself
After Waldorf

 A friend once asked me how I managed to shake the cobwebs
out of my brain after graduating from a Waldorf school.
In an attempt to answer, I wrote the following (which I have revised slightly for use here)
I offer it only as a personal report, not as a guide for others. 
Each individual affected by a Waldorf education probably needs to find her/his own path.

What is the path to recovery after a Waldorf "education"? Nowadays, there are support groups and services for Waldorf graduates and their parents, such as the Survivors List at People for Legal and Nonsectarian schools (http://waldorfcritics.org/ ). As far as I know, there was nothing of the sort in the dim, distant year of 1964, when I graduated from a Waldorf school. The upshot was that if I was going to get deprogrammed, I would have to do it myself. This, I think, is probably why it took so long."....and much more to be read in the link.

More links.

I could go on...and I will later, at another time. 

My own personal problem is that if the Warren County Ohio Criminal Justice System had been ethical and not corrupt I would have had little to no LARGE problem with the National Waldorf School System.....my old blog reached about every Waldorf school on this planet, I made certain of that happening....the consequences of shouting out the truth were not good
because I was focused on only one school in particular, for good reason. If you check the links about the entire school system you will see the foundation of what what I was fighting without the resources I had before the Warren County Criminal Justice System exercised its immunity privileges for its prosecutors.

Sometimes the PROOF is too much....I have that proof.
Also here is a taste of undeniable corruption for Judge James Heath 
Heath killed himself.
Head prosecutor Rachel Hutzel died of cancer I believe.
That leaves the prosecutor who knowingly prosecuted an innocent man...and the Warren County Criminal Justice System to attack in court, for abusing privileges that caused great harm even though the jury was too smart for them and pronounced a verdict of Not Guilty which sure isn't the same as "innocent".....

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