Tuesday, August 7, 2018

ALTHOUGH " http://ourcriminaljusticesystem.blogspot.com/2018/08/patricia-dillon-laub-esq-denied-me-name.html "


I again, like the q1uestionable document that NEVER existed, had to find a way to KNOW the name of the therapist who helped my mother....and me.

Laub and Frost Brown Todd did not want me to KNOW the name of the therapist (severe ptsd lost the name in the recesses of the trauma ...never ending trauma from Kimberly Colangelo, mother of my so who is completely alienated from me due to 12 years of hard but slow and constant parental alienation on the part of Kimberly Colangelo aided by Patricia Dillon Laub Esq during the past 2 years.

I finally found a long defunct checkbook from a bank I no longer use to find that therapist.

Now I have the name and phone of that therapist who helped my mother....and me...SOMETHING LAUB does NOT want the future jury to know about.

Future jury?

Hmm....is that why Partner in Frost Brown Todd, hired hired Taft et al, another huge FAMOUS law firm, to deny me the chance to have forensics check the questionable document which is missing the witness signature.

They do NOT want that paper tested.
Actually if they cannot help avoid that testing they are likely to offer a huge bribe to forensics but forensics is too reputable to take such a bribe of any amount, IMO.

If there is a goddess; Laub is screwed.

Zell info

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