Saturday, March 24, 2018

Paula S. Biren, holocaust survivor and her two Gen 2 children of survivors sons, one of which suicided. TRAUMA can be SERIOUS and generational


Continuing from

Trauma is what caused  Sinead O’Connor’s mental illness.

copy and paste from above link
When Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington committed suicide in late July, heartbroken fans across the globe took to their social media to preach the importance of mental health and advocated for people who were battling mental illness to reach out for help if they needed it. Similar sentiments were shared on Twitter, Facebook and every other medium when Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell killed himself nearly two months before Bennington.
But when pop star Sinead O’Connor opened up about her struggle with the mental illness and suicidal thoughts that forced her away from her family in Ireland recently, the singer wasn’t necessarily met with the same compassion that was offered to Cornell and Bennington after their battles with depression and addiction led them to suicide.
In an emotional video posted on her Facebook account Thursday, O’Connor said she was living in a Travelodge motel near Hackensack, New Jersey, suffering from a kidney stone, adding that there was “absolutely nobody” in her life other than her psychiatrist, who was about the “only fucking thing keeping me alive at the moment.”

TRAUMA can be SERIOUS and generational ... that it is not every case...does not diminish the affects of severe trauma on MANY.

My brother was affected by our parents Holocaust Trauma.
My brother jumped from the Carew Tower in Cincinnati.

My mother and I made important decisions that would have been far different had my parents not gone through the Holocaust. One of  my mother's decisions coincided with my brothers almost immediate suicide.

That my mother through hard determined work achieved an MD degree in Germany after the war while waiting to come here speaks highly of her character and was done in a language foreign to her no less.

Paula S. Biren M.D. was almost always perceived as a level headed human and any thought of the trauma she suffered through was but an after thought in the minds of those who knew her well, and superficially. Those people who think of mantelshelves as all knowing, superior etc...arrogant to a large extent have no idea what my mother struggled with during the war, after the war, with her husband; my father, with a law professor after her divorce from her husband.

Few of any of those who knew my mother knew that I had been asking her to see a therapist with me...because the same problems which affected her interaction with my brother leading to his suicide....were affecting me leading t a period of relationship ups and downs that the smug acquaintances of my mother understood only through their own cognitive  filters of various shapes and colors.

One of the main  life lessons I taught my son at an early age was to never feel afraid to communicate his feelings to me, no matter what those feeling were...good, bad, indifferent. I taught him to express anger to me with NO never be honest and true to himself. (that worked very well until his mother who had threatened to abort him if I continued to refuse to marry her, decided parental alienation would exact the revenge upon me for the harms inflicted upon her while a child in the hollers of West Virginia, the fiance who stood her up at the alter, etc.

If one reads through my posts of last year, my ANGER is readily apparent. There is good cause for this anger...from when my mother could not express herself because of her TRAUMA, denying my brother and me what was emotionally necessary at times that were critical. With me my mother was fine until I discovered women. Then things got rocky...additionally anything I might do that triggered memories my mother had from her traumas, including some really nasty relatives, were transferred to me. It took me twenty years to convince my mother to do the therapy route with me...and when we did that, my mother understood much, after a long time, that she did not understand before which led to my brother's suicide and my state of affairs since my son's mother had me arrested.

After I was found not guilty of charges my son's mother (Kimberly Colangelo) brought about so that she and her boyfriend Shadow, and John and Lori Simon could take in one night about $300,000 of my inventory from which I never recovered....then the recession.....and now when my mother had prepared to make right what Kimberly Colangelo made hell for me....the damn mental filters of some of her friend's ignorant of history my mother never spoke about much. has made me feel like I read and listen to about Sinead O’Connor...a life in hell, no thoughts of suicide which like Sinead, likely makes me appear just CRAZY in a very unsympathetic manner. Suicide would turn on sympathies like crazy but I need to stick around and do this blog and the other I mentioned in previous post.
I need to pick my self up and wreak legal vengeance on those who harmed me.

Never underestimate the damage TRAUMA can cause even through generations.

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