Friday, March 16, 2018

My mother and how she conducted herself after the Holocaust. (interest?)

My mother and how she conducted herself after the Holocaust.

Eventually my mother divorced my father for being too the mother of my son; the expert manipulator defined ny "Evil Genes" (Dr Barbara Oakley).

My mother had a boyfriend, a professor of Law in Cincinnati who hailed from distinguished work in NYC.

I think one of the things that attracted my mother to this professor was that he looked so much like the stereotypical Jewish image. ...Image of THE JEW.

My mother while in the Lodz Ghetto looked so much not like the stereotypical Jew that she was urged to flee before things got worse in Lodz, Poland. She did not, unfortunately.

My mother was against any status quo that demeaned people.
My mother refused to live in the USA in areas that were highly populated with Jews.
My mother hired a black woman as a house cleaner. A responsible human who had a Rambler station wagon much nicer than the cars owned by our neighbors.
Too many of our neighbors hassled our house cleaner for having such a car while being black.

Jews were accused of usury...and charging "INTEREST".

My mother never charged me interest yet when such was...whoa.... I need to stay away from that.

I had a conversation with someone who seems certain my mother charged me interest and in such was not unduly influenced. Nope, my mother was not going to fulfill the Jewish Stereotype.

Related is a woman I knew who knew my mother, both were MD's.
The other a German who lived through Germany's rise of Hitler
Once while discussing Nazis with the German doctor she told me how NO ONE in Germany wanted Hitler to be in power and how EVERYONE was too scared to fight against adopting what Hitler wanted. The psychology of that is simplistic. Unfortunately too many bright people have no clue.

Perception is everything.
Lies told endlessly eventually are believed.

My mother would NEVER charge me interest.
If you read previous posts you might understand how through massive GUILT,....and anger.... a person who showed her much sympathy could wrap her around her finger albeit they must be very smart to begin such manipulation.

Here you can get a feel for the character of my mother without filters.

This is me, especially what I write in last part. First part was required for Criminal Justice MS.

To conclude my train of thought during today ruminations.... if my mother was told it would be a good idea to charge interest, while she was in the shadow of dementia, she would likely defer to one she trusted in advice. WHILE ALIVE...Post death would be something totally different ...she would not want to be the stereotypical Jew that charged ANYONE let alone family interest, even in death, especially after death when family was being doomed for lack of money.
If your family member has dementia or only sometimes has an indication of having very careful of what is put before you both to sign,...and teach your children that Pre Nuptial agreements are sometimes good sense. ..especially if your offspring runs into a
"Successful, Narcissistic , Malevolent, Machiavellian sociopath", my real wife, the psychiatrist was not so but i should have known when Kimberly Colangelo walked into my business full of honey and sweetness that it might end with "Marry me or I will have an abortion. Thus a ruined life, a great life course trajectory that crashed and burned because of aforementioned sociopaths. BTW THEY do not look crazy albeit their victims too often do look and act crazy. They have to be top notch to sucker anyone who used to be smart enough to make much money.

Think about it.
My mother gave to charity...never once was such required to pay back let alone pay interest.
Just so when I gave money to women entrepreneurs in third world countries, through a specific charity specializing in such, i expected no repayment..but the charity required repayment ONLY to give forwards to other poor women who could build businesses (so much better than men who would spend it on illicit stupid things). The story in Ganeshpuri, home to Siddha Yoga, was the German follower of Guru Mayi who gave a man in the tiny village maybe $20,000. He pissed it away on women and alcohol very quickly. The Ashram thereafter warned followers of not doing the same. Anyway, these are my thoughts for today. Read Dr Barbara Oakley for insights into the darker side of humanity. Evil Genes is a good book to start self education.

Bottom line is when people fail to do the right thing they must come up with so much crap to hide the stench.  As always beware when people say good things about you and call you their friend...Dr Barbara Oakley would concur. IMO. "The Successful, Narcissistic , Malevolent, Machiavellian sociopaths". Another good book by someone else is The Sociopath Next-door.

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