Monday, October 6, 2014

Our Criminal Justice System Introduction

This is a test post.
The author is not familiar with this new version of blogger so exploration is in order.

"Criminal Justice System Law & Legal Definition"

"Criminal justice system refers to the collective institutions through which an accused offender passes until the accusations have been disposed of or the assessed punishment concluded. The criminal justice system consists of three main parts: (1) law enforcement (police, sheriffs, marshals); (2) adjudication (courts which include judges, prosecutors, defense lawyers); and (3) corrections (prison officials, probation officers, and parole officers). In a criminal justice system, these distinct agencies operate together under the rule of law and are the principal means of maintaining the rule of law within society.

Normally, the first contact an offender has with the criminal justice system is through police who investigates a suspected wrong-doing and make an arrest. Next is the court, where disputes are settled and justice is administered. In the U.S. guilt or innocence is decided through the adversarial system. If the accused is found guilty s/he turned over to the correctional authorities from the court system.
Criminal justice system is also termed as law-enforcement system" ( internet

Found the "update" button which allows edits, it seems, while my finger tips go pity patty on the keys as I think this out... Great...learning is being achieved....slowly.

One of the main goals of this blog is to throw out ideas towards improving society by any pro-social means possible. One such means is radically changing the criminal justice system. If I can contribute a small piece towards solving that immense puzzle I will feel like I have done what I could to justify my existence on this planet. That is one of the reasons I obtained an Criminal Justice. I wrote a paper that posits a societal treatment that could be effective towards such an end, just need to find a means to post it and get on with the less meaningful posts to support the paper, etc.
I found the means.

The paper meant to make us think about what we are doing is the post of October 11 2014
The purpose of the paper is to possibly show one possible path towards eliminating most of anti-social behavior and increasing pro-social behavior. This would not be easy and likely has no chance of being taken seriously, yet here it is.

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