Thursday, November 6, 2014

Waldorf Schools are enrolling students for the next year....Friends don't let friends enroll their kids in Waldorf Schools

I touched on this subject in this post

Do MUCH research if you are considering the Waldorf School is not like Montessori, far from it.

from above link;
I have been mandated never to mention the specifics of a particular, instead I will go for the root cause; The International Waldorf School System.
There are Yahoo Groups and blogs for people who are not in line with the Waldorf School System. 


"How I Deprogrammed Myself
After Waldorf

 A friend once asked me how I managed to shake the cobwebs
out of my brain after graduating from a Waldorf school.
In an attempt to answer, I wrote the following (which I have revised slightly for use here)
I offer it only as a personal report, not as a guide for others. 
Each individual affected by a Waldorf education probably needs to find her/his own path.

What is the path to recovery after a Waldorf "education"? Nowadays, there are support groups and services for Waldorf graduates and their parents, such as the Survivors List at People for Legal and Nonsectarian schools ( ). As far as I know, there was nothing of the sort in the dim, distant year of 1964, when I graduated from a Waldorf school. The upshot was that if I was going to get deprogrammed, I would have to do it myself. This, I think, is probably why it took so long."....and much more to be read in the link.

More links.

Just did another bit of research myself and found; 
BTW Waldorf Schools generally  have much history in coverups.
I highly do NOT recommend them.
I know someone who brought up such and was ignored by the administration of one school in this system.
so true,imo

From link below; "Because Waldorf is a private school, it does not adhere to the laws governing public schools, or any laws as we we would soon discover. Parents are ruled by the school. I tried talking to the teacher and different members of the faculty only to be told to do what they ask and our child will benefit greatly. Any resistance on my part would have a negative impact on my daughter's education. So we did everything they asked. Did not question the ridiculous nature of what was asked, but went along with the herd. It was beginning to feel like a cult. "    
Carol nails some of the problems you might expect at a Waldorf School.

Sure there are more positive things written about the school than negative.
That there are so MANY negative items should put your guard up.
Mine was down, very sadly.

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